Saturday, June 28, 2008

Vacation Job, June 2008 (IV)

How time flies, or rather, how time crawls. The last week of my vacation job is finally over and I can barely wait for Monday, the very last day of this job. It has been an excruciatingly boring 4 weeks (that is, when I am on the job) and I have certainly seen my share of the nice and not-so-nice people. The 2nd boss gets my vote for being one of the friendliest persons I have ever encountered, occasionally bringing in snacks for everyone to take delight in and buying lunches for us. His never-fading smile always succeeds in brightening my otherwise monotonous working mood.

On the other hand, the 3rd boss is one of the most unpredictable people I have ever encountered. I met him only in my 2nd week of work because he was overseas during the 1st week, and for that entire 2nd week, he did not even manage to say anything to me even though he was always in the store. The lack of a propitiatory 'Hi' or 'Hello' may have been excusable if he didn't pull a long face everywhere he went - but he did pull a long face everywhere he went so it's not excusable. During my 3rd week, he warmed up to me and began talking, but they were limited to the purpose of assigning me tasks. Now, here comes the unpredictable part: While he did come into the store to help out here and there at times, I hated it when he came in to give us tasks to accomplish with the knowledge that we were going to be knocking off from work in a matter of minutes (Damn! Can't you wait for tomorrow!). That's the 3rd boss for you.

What about the 1st boss? Nah! During my 4 weeks there, she did not even step into the store. I would say that she is a relatively quiet person, rarely communicating with the employees unlike the 2 other bosses. Her eyes look REALLY fierce, so much so that it may delude you into thinking that she may devour you any minute. BUT credits to her for smiling everytime she sees me (unlike the 3rd boss who always pulls a long face).

Now, moving on to the 4 accounts/admin women in the office. One is an amicable auntie, while another is a seemingly-cheerful young lady in her late 20s. What of the remaining 2? One of them is a nasty fat lady. NASTY. Yeah, she is NASTY. I can't understand why there was even a need for her to give me orders rudely (she's not even the one to assign me tasks in the first place). The tone of her voice was inappropiate and the words she used were words that you would use for instigating a fight. She is one person worthy of the word 'Nasty'. Period.

Now, the last women working in the office - the HR manager. Talks nicely, but beneath her external self lies the intent of reprimanding anyone (anyone who works in the store, to be exact) who rests for a minute. Damn! You can't expect me to working every second, can you? She can sit in the office and take breaks from time to time, frequently emitting peals of laughter while I do not have the right to rest for a minute? Nah! I didn't even bother to argue with these 2 ladies because there was no reason why I should. Remember: Monday is my last day! And I would never want to meet them ever again.

Now, to the people working with me in the store: the 2 permanent employees there. One is a very friendly uncle. Okay, good. Now, the other one? UH HUH! Another not-so-nice person. Worthless fool thinks a warehouse job is worth boasting about. He who speaks as if a person who knows how to drill out nails from a shelf is a genius (and he made fun of me just because I refused to do it). He who speaks as if lifting a carton weighing upwards of 25kg is an easy task. Damn fool didn't have the initiative to help out when I was lifting so many of these cartons - all he did was sit on the chair and do nothing. His constant boasts of his efficiency and 'talent' as a warehouse assisstant (including the boast of how he was superior to me in the warehouse) irked me the most. I say: He can boast all he wants and he is going to get nowhere - he is still going to be stuck in that stinky job meant for UNEDUCATED people. I am here because I am on vacation and I am tied by a 1 month contract. Furthermore, I have NS committment. I am still young and I have a future - I don't see a reason for the need to excel as a warehouse assisstant, a vacation job that is nigh meaningful and related to my future, when I would be most probably be working in the media industry.

Alright, there you go - complete evaluations of most of the staff. Some are nice, some are not, but really, that's part and parcel of working. Come Monday, when I leave this vacation job, I will take away with me a new bag, adding to the 2 new wallets already purchased from the company. What will be my next vacation job? I still have no idea. Well, perhaps I won't be working at all, but it all depends on whether I get an offer from somewhere else or not.

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