Friday, September 12, 2008


The day I have been looking forward to all year has finally arrived and am I glad. Being 18 could mean a lot of things: I can now buy a cigarette (but I won't be), I can now put legal bets on football, I can now buy liquor, I can start to learn driving, I can gain admission to some clubs, I can watch a M18 movie, and I can buy an M18 game (though I have bought a M18 videogame months before my birthday). But it could also mean that my time to serve the nation is nearing and it is - only 9 months away, to be exact. I am looking forward to it - but only because I want to get it over with as soon as possible.

This year's birthday was indeed one of my best birthdays in my life. It's the first time where I could at least be proud of myself and say that I have achieved something VERY significant in life rather than wallowing in self-pity. Coincidentally, I went down to school today to collect my diploma certificate and I was certainly happy to get an A for my graduation project, adding to the 6As and 2Bs I already have.

This year's birthday was also special because it's the first time where I have people outside of my next-of-kins celebrating it with me and I feel really joyful. Thank you, my friends. Having said that, I would also like to thank everyone who have wished me happy birthdays and given me presents.

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